The Learning Enrichment Programme: Footprints… towards learning!

Published On: October 10, 2019   Category: Secondary

Footprints… towards learning, was organized on 28th September 2019 for the students of the Government High School, Morpirla. The principal along with three staff-members and around fifty-four students, all enthusiastic and eager learners participated in the activities arranged for them. Our student-volunteers sixteen in number welcomed the gathering and executed the entire event with absolute responsibility.

Our Chairman Mr. Jose Manual Noronha welcomed the Principal, staff and students of Morpirla and said that the curious looking eyes must benefit from all that Manovikas has to offer to advance their learning skills.

The guest speaker Mr. Ramchandra Prabhu Salgaonkar, the founder of a start-up “Amaze Warriors”, worked on developing students’ curiosity by showing them short clippings and videos and probing questions. He spoke on “Ideation”, and how simple not necessarily new ideas could be further improvised on.

The students then had a hands-on experience working in the CSTI, under the guidance of Ms. Sandra D’costa. They were introduced to Electronic Mechanisms and Components used for Building Machines. The most sought after activity was ‘Digital Fabrication’, wherein the students had an opportunity to use the 3D-Printer.

The students were given a grand tour of our school – the Observatory, the Resource Room, the Green Club area, the library, the art-room and the playground – towards the end of it, they felt privileged.

Our student Aditya Upasane, took the students on a ‘Sky Tour’. The outer space has always been a mystery and connecting with it leaves one with a thousand questions that need answers. The children enjoyed the presentation and the Quiz that followed it.

The programme came to a close with the students and Principal of the Government High School, Morpirla thanking our Chairman, the Management and the Principal for the opportunity, to utilize the creative innovative techniques to enhance their learning skills. After a scrumptious meal the students left, on an assurance to return to the CSTI to build on their future projects.