‘Students of Manovikas unleashing their creativity’- 3D Pen activity.

Published On: May 12, 2022

A 3D pen is a pen that extrudes heated or warm plastic from the pen’s nozzle. You don’t need any software. There are no files to transfer, and no difficult tech to master. In the words of a teacher we work with, “whatever you imagine, you can draw. It goes from your brain, to your hand, right there.”
With a 3D pen you can draw a raised graphic on a piece of paper or any flat surface. But what makes a 3D pen truly unique is its ability to “draw” in mid-air, allowing you to instantly form 3D structures right in front of you.
The students enjoyed a two day session on the 9th & 10th May 2022 using a 3D pen. They used the 3D pen to get their imaginations into creativity. They designed rings, miniature car models and lots more using the pen.