Sparking Innovation In Students

Published On: March 6, 2024

On February 23, 2024, Manovikas English Medium School witnessed the Scratch Hackathon: Inspiring Young Coders Fusion Competition to seek out the talent, innovation, and enthusiasm of students. Pupils delved into the world of Scratch programming. It provided an exciting platform for budding coders from classes 6A, 6B, and 6C to showcase their programming skills and creativity.

In the preliminary round, students were tasked with writing a program to detect if a given input number had 2 and 3 as its factors. This challenge tested their understanding of basic mathematical concepts and logical reasoning. With determination and skill, participants navigated through coding hurdles to qualify for the finals.

On the grand stage of the finals, eight finalists emerged to showcase their prowess in Scratch programming. Paired into teams of two, students embarked on a new challenge: creating programs to generate the Fibonacci Series. This task not only demanded algorithmic thinking but also encouraged participants to explore the beauty of recursive sequences.

Finals Teams and Participants

Team A
Alan Savio David – 6B
Reuel Barreto – 6A
Team B
Satyaki Das – 6B
Marcelino Fernandes – 6C
Team C
Akshara Kabiraj – 6A
Luke Rocha – 6B
Winning Team: Team D
Zach Mascarenhas – 6A
Keenan Agnelo Carvalho Pinto – 6B


Fibonacci Series

The Fibonacci Series, a timeless mathematical sequence, captivated the imaginations of our young coders. Starting with 0 and 1, each subsequent number in the series is the sum of the two preceding numbers. This elegant pattern inspired participants to unleash their creativity and craft algorithms to generate the series up to the user-defined limit.

The Scratch Hackathon was more than just a competition; it was a celebration of innovation, collaboration, and learning. As participants embarked on their coding journey, they discovered the power of imagination and the joy of turning ideas into reality. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all participants, finalists, and winners for their dedication and ingenuity. May your passion for coding continue to soar, shaping the future of technology one Scratch block at a time.