Parent – Child Bonding Activity

Published On: July 14, 2023

The Special Educators of the Life Skills Resource Room organised a Parent – Child Bonding Activity on 14th July 2023 at the Resource Room.
The program began with a welcome speech by Tr Gayle. This was followed by a sing song session led by Sir Greg.
Students were encouraged to sing and dance.
Some of the parents performed along with their child.
The Principal of the Pre Primary Section and Resource Room in charge, Tr Brenda Bhandary addressed the gathering. She spoke about the functioning of the Resource Room from the Handbook and the progress of the students. She appreciated the Teachers, attendants and parents.
The parents assisted the children to decorate a paper crown provided by the teachers. The children were happy and excited to have their parents assist them.
It was a memorable event and each student left with a beautifully decorated Crown.