Inaugural Assembly 2022

Published On: April 3, 2022

After a long hiatus, the presence of students, parents, teachers and all the dignitaries at Manovikas
School breathe a refreshing sense of community and life into the school once again. 1 st April, 2022
marked the beginning of the new academic year – 2022-2023. The school is all set to make a segue
from online and hybrid teaching to physical classes. It was heart-warming to see students take to the
stage compering, singing and dancing; not forgetting the enthralling performance of the Manovikas
Band. The Chief Guest at the event was our Former Chairman Mr. Jose Manuel Noronha. The newly
instituted student council comprising of our Class councillors, Captains, Vice Captains as well as (the
new post) Commander and Assistant Commander all took their oath of service to the school. The
Principal of the Secondary Section, Mrs. Maria Norman shared her expectations and wishes with the
student council and other students. Students who endeavoured to be fit during the pandemic
through their active participation in the Inter-class sports online events, organised by the Sports
Department, were felicitated. The Monginis Award for the year 2019-2020 was presented to Saisha
Kambli for her all-round achievement in school activities. With the tone set for the new academic
year, we wish each and every person associated with the school success and joy.