Royal planetary Parade – 29th April 2022

Published On: April 29, 2022   Category: Astronomy Observatory

After a night that began with thunderstorms and lightning, rain and cloud-covered sky,the clouds eventually cleared just before dawn. There were around 100 participants including parents and students who came to witness the planet parade early morning on 29th April 2020 at around 4am. Under the guidance of teachers, the following students Sarika Satish, Vimi Dessai, Abigail Jaques, Tanishka Bhosale, Saravanan Kathirvelu, Raphael Carvalo, Samuel Fernandes and Siddharth Bhandari did a fabulous job.

The viewers could view Vega, the brightest visible star of the Summer Triangle.

Venus and Jupiter along with its moons were clearly visible through the 8inch telescope using  a 40mm eyepiece.